I made all these photographs on the same hot and humid late summer day. For the first time ever, I was using a full-frame digital camera kindly loaned to me for the day by Jesse Bush, a friend, neighbor, and notable portraitist of the night skies. I thoroughly enjoyed using his camera and, later on, the latitude afforded by its large sensor in the processing of the images. Thanks again, Jesse!
The Salo Drive forest was the first place I visited. The overcast skies provided near-perfect light conditions, and the beauty and quiet of the place elicited a heightened state of attention. Solitude was a blessing.
After a quick lunch at home, I rode my bike up Route 96, where despite the roar of traffic, I captured some abandoned farm equipment seemingly floating on a sea of purple. On my way back into town, I stopped at Sweetland Farm to record some young sunflowers opening their petals to the light and my admiring sight.