Like the website that hosts it, this blog is only concerned with using art and brief texts to uncover the bias and other limitations of thought conditioned by memory and tradition, thus also revealing how this largely unacknowledged tribal egotism that affects all human beings creates and sustains the systemic disorder and violence of the world in which we all live.

Without a radical awakening to the immense distance between our mental and social reality and the truth, we are condemned to continue living in the same cruel division, conflict, and sorrow to which we ourselves sustain with our personal memories, thoughts, and desires.

Our Winter's Splendid Last Gasp ― PHOTO ESSAY - 31

I very much like taking my time making and processing my photographs, so when I make them public they can be a bit anachronic. Such is the case with this batch made on the early morning of April 1, but I still feel some of you will enjoy looking at them ( especially if you live in Southern latitudes). Some events seem to stand out of time; especially those filled to the brim with silence and wonder.
I was fortunate to get out of bed early, and one look out the window sent me rushing to round up my gear, eat a quick breakfast, and get out of the house. I knew the miracle would not last long; it was not all that cold and the wind would soon start knocking down the astonishing frosting that had collected on everything. During those short hours, I managed to walk around the Trumansburg cemetery, Smith Forest, and the high school grounds.
So, to share my good fortune with you, here is a selection of the images made.


Ofrendas Primaverales / Spring Offerings ― PHOTO ESSAY - 32

Sumi Ink and Graphite - Twenty-FIVE New Works on Paper