Like the website that hosts it, this blog is only concerned with using art and brief texts to uncover the bias and other limitations of thought conditioned by memory and tradition, thus also revealing how this largely unacknowledged tribal egotism that affects all human beings creates and sustains the systemic disorder and violence of the world in which we all live.

Without a radical awakening to the immense distance between our mental and social reality and the truth, we are condemned to continue living in the same cruel division, conflict, and sorrow to which we ourselves sustain with our personal memories, thoughts, and desires.

Sensitivity Is Nothing in Itself

Unlike thought, sensitivity is not based on the self-isolating, and therefore divisive record of exclusive experience and knowledge. And because it seeks no status or gain —because it has no "one" to serve— its intelligence is that of love.The …

Unlike thought, sensitivity is not based on the self-isolating, and therefore divisive record of exclusive experience and knowledge. And because it seeks no status or gain —because it has no "one" to serve— its intelligence is that of love.

The fundamental cause of the fragmentation, disorder, and suffering of the world is the habitual insensitivity of minds determined and sustained by the ideologies and proclivities attached to different and opposed ideological interpretations of gender and race; age and social class, nationality and religion; educational level and professional role.

It is urgently necessary, therefore, to inquire into whether our minds can, somehow, free themselves from the exclusive experience and learning that, in dictating and limiting their operation, is making them dull and insensitive. The divisions and conflicts of the world will never be bridged by the greater power and greater knowledge of this or that other group or individual, and awareness of this fact is already the effect of the boundless awareness that lies beyond the illusion of separate personal existence and "superior" cultural groups.

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Another Glimpse of the Amaryllis Blooming